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A DECADE of Acne?! How I cleared my skin.

Yep - you read that correctly.

I've struggled with acne now for ten years; which is absolutely mind-blowing. But beyond that nightmare (and perhaps something you fear dealing with yourself), i've also finally learned how to clear it.

I tried all those products you see advertised for fellow pizza-faces, the wonders of ProActive, the Neutrogena scrubs, light therapy, etc. etc., but none of that worked for me. I was also someone who struggled with not touching my face. If there was crap in my pores - I wanted it out; which would lead to picking (the ultimate no-no, but hardest habit to resist). Picking became a stress reliever - and a binge; if I started, I couldn't stop. This led to a lot of scarring I thought would never clear - yet here I am today.

I gave into Curology, and I'll be honest; I was insanely skeptical - I mean, if you'd also tried ProActive, why would this popularly advertised product be any different? I'm not the first to say I was proven wrong, though. Curology is really simple; everyone's unique prescription consists of just 3 different products of varying percentages. Perhaps that's the key, its so simple; all the other products are just bombarding our senses and PH barriers in our skin, keeping us irritated and inflamed.

The nice thing about Curology is also that it's really invested in community. Their website even has a main feed where people just post pictures of how their skin is doing - and fellow users can give them feedback and support. There's even a facebook group for more in-depth back and forth with other acne strugglers, which I've found to be a great resource when I'm curious about adding other products to my skincare routine, or how something will affect my bumps.

I will also say that I changed up what I was putting into my body, somewhat. I didn't eat well at all freshman or sophomore year(lots of processed and greasy foods). Dining hall meals are not usually the most nutritious or beneficial. Stress levels are also a big factor - but i'm a big believer in how gut health affects our skin on the outside. After all, the saying goes that what we put in our bodies will show on the outside too!

If you don't feel like trying out Curology - check out the Aztec clay mask you can buy on amazon - something I saw huge results with for my redness; or even the Oil Cleansing Method (or OCM), a natural alternative to chemical products that helps to cleanse your pores and soothe the skin. Both of these things helped my spots clear up a lot, even before trying Curology.

Just remember that everyone's skin is different - test the waters with different products, but don't lose hope! Even if you struggle with acne for ten years like me(or even longer), there are solutions out there that will help you with those zits! Sometimes a longer journey helps us see all the hardships we endured, and how rewarding it is to be out of it now. :)

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