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3 Ways To Make Extra $$$ In College.

If you're a college kid like myself, money is always on the mind. I remember freaking out about getting student loans before I even started my freshman year, imagining paying off debt until the day I'd die. You've probably read the articles telling you to go donate plasma, and sell a kidney to make extra cash in school - but there are EASIER ways to make a little extra money! In fact, let me hit you up with 3 fun, and realistic ways you can do so.

1. Start a YouTube channel

Folks, this one is simple, AND fun! Everyone has hobbies that they are passionate about; you probably have your own thing - and believe me, no matter how obscure that niche may be, you can bet your bottom dollar it's got a community on YouTube!

You can easily set up a channel by logging into Youtube with a google account, and connecting Adsense to your page. Once that's connected, you'll qualify to make money off of ads displayed on videos. As you may have guessed, the more views on a video, the more money you'll make off of it! And hey, even if that channel is small like mine - you could make hundreds of extra dollars each year to pay off those pesky textbook prices!

2. Open an online thrift shop

Believe it or not, there are other forever homes for those used clothes you're thinking of bringing to Goodwill. In fact, there are several places you could advertise your fashion right in the palm of your hand! Phone apps like Depop, Mercari, and Poshmark are great places for you to earn some extra cash quickly - while also clearing out some closet space!

Once you find the app you want to use - post the clothing item you want to sell, wait till someone buys it, and then ship it off! Easy as that! The nice thing about these digital shops is that many of them have shipping labels made right in-app after a sale! All you need to do is print them off and stick them on your package. Payments can go to your paypal, or other desired methods of your choosing; and that's that. Easy money made.

3. Sell digital files

Here's another money-method I love. If you're someone into Photoshop, Lightroom, or any other filter-creating software - you can sell digital files online. The nice thing about this option is that it's completely HANDS FREE. That's right - you can make a photoshop filter for other people to use, that you can pop onto Etsy, Deviantart, or something like FilterGrade, and you'll be able to make some money off of those things, without so much as pressing a button!

This is also a great way to spice up that photography game! People who enjoy photography are likely to know about presets; and if you're are good at making them, you may just start gaining a huge profit off those passive sales!

So what did you think of these ideas? Let me know in a comment! I'd love to know what things you want to try, after reading this post!

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